The Bite – February 2023
February 1, 2023Jr. Sportsmen’s Adventure Day 2023
February 1, 2023The Michigan United Conservation Club’s (MUCC’s) annual convention is coming up March 24-26, 2023 in Mount Pleasant. It’s at convention that all of the member clubs meet to set the agenda for MUCC’s political efforts for 2023 and beyond.
Club members have proposed these resolutions over the past year by attending policy board meetings and also sending suggestions to MUCC. Once at the convention, a club representative can make amendments and changes to each resolution using their home clubs’ votes. Being one of the largest clubs in Michigan, The Oakland County Sportsmen’s club will have at least 10 votes to be cast per resolution.
The proposed resolutions for 2023 include:
- Proposed Resolution #1 Wolf-Dog Conflict Reporting
- Proposed Resolution #2 Wake Boat Regulations
- Proposed Resolution #3 Establish Turkey Harvest Reporting System
- Proposed Resolution #4 Apprentice Licenses for Special Needs Individuals
- Proposed Resolution #5 Easier Access to Recreational Passport
- Proposed Resolution #6 Game Tracking Dog Use
- Proposed Resolution #7 Pontoon Registration Fee/Renewal Fee
- Proposed Resolution #8 Extension of Apprentice Hunting License Timeline
- Proposed Resolution #9 Retention of Bear Points
- Proposed Resolution #10 State Park Endowment Fund (SPEF) Oversight
- Proposed Resolution #11 Expansion of Michigan Pheasant Release for Hunter Improvement
- Proposed Resolution #12 Green Solar Energy on Private Lands
- Proposed Resolution #13 Natural Resource Commission Meeting Locations
- Proposed Resolution #14 Reaffirm MUCC’s Opposition to Camp Grayling Expansion
- Proposed Resolution #15 Recreational Vehicle Education
- Interim Board Resolution Mandatory Deer Harvest Reporting
Click this link to go to the MUCC website and review these resolutions:
Please review and let me know what you think and how YOU think our club should vote. Click the link below to
review the resolutions from last year’s convention:
If you have any conservation or habitat improvement ideas or would like to participate in OCSC’s conservation efforts please contact me.
I am always looking for volunteers to help. The next Clinton River ‘Adopt a Stream” river monitoring will be May 6th 2023. Contact me or if you are interested in learning more.
Yours in Conservation,
Chris Finazzo
[email protected]