The Bite
April 1, 2022Women’s Auxiliary April Newsletter
April 5, 2022More Glass less plastic at the OCSC bar……The ‘Friends of OCSC Committee’ has donated its leftover event logo glasses to the bar. Thank you to the committee members for helping protect our environment and decrease trash in the landfill………Come on out and get a cold frosty one in a real glass!!
Spring is here and we need to help clean up the OCSC grounds. Come out Saturday, April 2nd and help pick up trash, pick up fallen branches, split some wood, rake some leaves, and help our club get the summer seasons off to a great looking start. Contact Jean Lund at 248.825.6062 or Chris Finazzo 248.778.5253 to sign up and get more information.
Earth Day is 4-22-22 Organize a neighborhood cleanup event, go out and plant a tree or volunteer some time at a local park or MUCC event.
Our spring Adopt a Stream event will be Saturday, May 7th. The Stonefly Report for January 2022 will be on the club website under “Committees” then “Conservation” Go to the Clinton River Watershed Council website for training opportunities
Yours in Conservation,
Chris Finazzo, 248.778.5253