Rockin’ at the Racetrack is August 24th after the road races for the day. It will be a fun evening of music featuring local band Whiskey Business. Come out to listen to the band. We are still looking for volunteers if you would like to help us.
Work bees will continue Wednesday evenings clearing invasive vines in August and September from 5-7 pm. We had good work crews so far clearing the trees around the FITA field. We will continue down the main trial north of the FITA field. Tuesday morning work bees are continuing with everyday maintenance of the outdoor ranges.
Our August events of Signature Stand fun shoot and Bowhunter Jamboree were lightly attended. The BBQ Trifecta was well attended with everyone enjoying our barbeque picnic lunch as the rain moved in right at lunchtime! Archers provided us constructive comments on how we might enhance future events from the platform.