The Signature Stand is now officially ready for shooters as we just passed inspection with the township. Archery thanks Rick Hotchkiss and his dedicated crew for all their hard work on the project.
Troop 189 Eagle Scout candidate Jacob Fielbrandt finished building the staircase on #2-3D Lake Course for his Eagle Project. His crew worked 297 man-hours. The feedback on the project has been overwhelmingly positive.
Workbees continue Wednesday mornings at 9 am on the Field & Hunter course with relocating targets, signpost replacement, and general range clean up. We have many individual tasks if you are looking for work hours.
Come join us at the monthly Archery Club Meeting. The meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month in the Archery Club Building starting at 7:00pm.
To close, I would like to thank Sebrina Borth, Joanne Ayotte and their helpers for updating the landscaping in front of the Archery. It looks a whole lot better now.