The Bite – August 2022
August 1, 2022STICKY TIRES NEWS LETTER – August 2022
August 1, 2022Make sure to mark your calendars for the start of the Broadhead Leagues. These have been some of our most popular leagues so get your teams together.
The Broadhead Leagues will be starting as follows:
August 2nd (Tuesday) starting at 4:00pm
August 3rd (Wednesday) starting at 9:00am
August 4th (Thursday) starting at 4:00PM
These are eight-week leagues and will get you tuned up for the upcoming archery season!
The State MAA Championship will take place, again this year, on the racetrack infield on the weekend of August 6th and 7th. It would be great to see a lot of our club members register and shoot in this event!
Our last Sunday outdoor 3D shoot will take place on August 14th. Shoot between 9:00am and 2:00pm.
Of course the big event of the year is the BowHunter Jamboree which takes place the weekend of September 10th and 11th. Check the club magazine for the flyer with details.
The Archery Club has been approved for a lighting upgrade. We will be changing out all of the lighting in the Archery Club building to LED lights. By the time you read this article the project will have already started.
Depending on how long this project takes we may have some additional work sessions to complete this task, so watch for notices if you would like to help out.
Come join us at the monthly Archery Club Meeting. The meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month in the Archery Club Building.
If you would like to be put on distribution for the Archery Club Meeting minutes please contact me with your e-mail address.
Enjoy the rest of the summer and hope to see you out shooting!
Mike McGinnis
Archery Club President