Archery Club News
May 1, 2022What is a Mother?
May 1, 2022We are ready to go racing!!!
As I write this in early April, the track is open and ready. Our first workbee was a success. An excellent turnout ensured that everything needed for cars to be on track got done. We ARE a volunteer club. Thanks to everyone who came out and pitched in.
Our first two Open Track days and our Driver’s School will be over by the time you read this. Our first race weekend, April 30- May 1, may also be done. Over the summer, there will be plenty more action; 6 more Open Track Days, 5 more race weekends and our annual Vintage Weekend. I hope everyone will consider making a family outing of coming to watch the excitement! As I said last month, there are even plans to bring food trucks in, providing tasty and maybe even exotic treats.
I’ve been writing for several months about preparing for Autorama, and how big a deal it is for a car person to participate in it. Now I get to tell you how successful it was for WHRRI. We showed 6 race cars and came home with 6 trophies!! 2 first place, 2 second place and 2 third place. In addition to the trophies, we spread the word about the track and came away with several pages of folks who want to come work at the track. My deepest thanks to all the volunteers who mastered the horribly complicated, crowded, and expensive parking situation down by Cobo to work our booth.
Come to the races! We are always looking for anyone who wants to watch, race or volunteer.
Until next month,
Brian Murphy