D.R. Wilson Rifle and Pistol Club & Action Pistol Range
January 1, 2024From the President – January 2024
January 1, 2024Desert Angels will be taking a winter break, Jan. and Feb. We will resume in-person packing at the club in March. You can drop off items at the club. Jan and Feb.
As of December 7, 2023 Desert Angels packed, filled and shipped out: 1,598 Christmas Stockings and 6,047 Christmas Goodie Bags.
Thank you for your generous donations of: items, money and time!!
If there are any Christmas Stocking left, DA Blue will pass out to our Police Officers.
Do you have a special officer we need to give a Christmas Stocking to? Email me their name, department, shift etc. We WILL make sure they receive a special DA Blue Christmas Stocking
Thank you notes we have received:
THANK YOU so much for the 23 boxes of Christmas stockings! You and your group of volunteers have made many of us extremely grateful. Blessings to you and your family this holiday season.
It was quite the surprise when I received a notification of a package available for pickup from the post office. When I arrived, I was greeted with a large box of mysterious origins. The box was addressed from Michigan, my home state. Upon receipt I noted the box was bulky and heavy laden. I, as any curious individual who has received a gift shook and jostled the box out of curiosity. I then pondered what was enclosed, could it be Legos? My honed ear didn’t hear the distinct ting of Legos clinking together. I shook it again, maybe Roblox action figures? No, the contents also didn’t sound like action figures. Final answer and shake, I know, I know, a few small tablets for us to watch cat videos on YouTube with, no. I was then inspired to look at the top of the box and read “Holiday Treats” on the packing list. My mind instantly sprung to fruit cakes, mackinac fudge, Snick-ers, Reese’s, and all the other candies that can be found home but not here. Upon opening the box, I was surprised by the care that was taken to ensure this package reached the other side of the world safely and by the bounty of goodies it contained.
What I found even more surprising is that the letters were addressed from Myers Elementary School in Grand Blanc. When I was young, I lived in Grand Blanc just up the road from Myers Elementary on East Hill Road by Vassar Road in an old tri-level house between the entrances to Stock-bridge Commons. My little brother attended Myers Elementary while I went to Grand Blanc Middle School and eventually High School before we moved to Flint to attend Kearsley High School and Middle School. As they say it is a small world. However, in my experience the wider you travel, the larger your perception of the world becomes, and long distances seem much shorter.
On behalf of the members of the 18th Maintenance Group, Thank you so much. We really appreciate the support. We will surely enjoy these good-ies and think of home as we do.
V/r, MSgt, USAF 18th Maintenance Group Kadena Air Base, Japan