We completed our 3rd work-bee on the general membership range. Walls have been finished between the 10-, 25- and 50-yard lines, berms have been significantly elevated and new target backers installed.
Until spring we are concentrating on fund raising and evaluating various wall systems. As such, we are working on quotes on precast systems for range division that will be faster to build and likely less expensive than bin blocks as we originally envisioned.
Once spring arrives, we will be increasing the height and contouring the berms between the 10-, 25, and 50-yard ranges and will start the range division that will prevent range closures, improve access and allow for multiple events to take place concurrently on those ranges.
APR range maintenance will be underway over the winter with removal of the erosion materials off the berms, cleaning up the bay floors, getting the berm road cleared and starting to clear some trees so we can pin the ground per the range improvement plan.